February 6th, 2010, 9:25PM by nat | 9 comments
With a little something old as something new, Nagi Ryou's Comiket 77 release COLORS compiles three volumes of S.E.C (Sensuous Expression Content according to the cover) doujinshi into one 32-page, full color collection of art work from the past few years. The cover art is new to the book, but the rest of the content came from S.E.C volumes 00, 01, and 03 along with a couple of postcards released at past Comic Markets.
For me, this was a 'must-get' item. Nagi Ryou's doujinshi tend to be on the short side (generally 12 pages including covers), so the idea of buying his past volumes for the exorbitant prices they usually go for on Yahoo Japan just didn't sit well with me. COLORS pretty much eliminates the need for me to go backwards with this artist... although I wouldn't mind getting my hands on his Comiket 75 Mixture Graph doujinshi.
The book starts out with the cover illustrations for the three doujinshi featured, used as a table of contents with the corresponding page listings for where the art work can be found in COLORS. S.E.C 01 Specular Reflection appears first with 7-pages of art work, that include two two-page spread images. And that really is all the art work that was in S.E.C 01 Specular Reflection.
S.E.C 03 is subtitled Armored Skin, and from the photos above it's easy to see why. The entire focus of the 9-pages covering the art work from S.E.C 03 Armored Skin is girls incorporated with mecha-ish armored suits. It's interesting in that it ranges from the tradition Medieval-look for armor, to space-suit style mecha. Of course, all armor is designed for maximum sexiness, though I'm sure armor has another more practical purpose... right? XD
The final doujinshi featured is S.E.C version 0, which came out during Comiket 69. Even though this is the oldest work that COLORS has to offer, it still looks very polished and professional. The content is a lot different from what Nagi Ryou usually draws, with RPG styled characters featuring bards, dragons, pirates and mercenaries, but it's only 6-pages in total. For the sake of completion with his early works, I'm glad it's included.
Overall, this is perfect for people like me who haven't been actively collecting Nagi Ryou's art work. It might not be worth it if you happen to have 2 out of 3 of these volumes, but I know most fans and collectors like to have complete collections ^^;
- Title: COLORS
- タイトル: 「COLORS」
- Release Date: 12/31/2009
- Pages: 32
- Buy: eBay, Yahoo Japan
15 years, 1 month ago
Thumbs up for hot robot girls!
15 years, 1 month ago
Thanks for summarizing the details, very helpful for me!
15 years, 1 month ago
Not sure about the character images with black, the outlines kinda suck.
15 years, 1 month ago
Those are the oldest ones after all, cut him a little slack ;D
15 years, 1 month ago
Sweet. This would look great with the MS Gundam Girls art book I got a couple of months ago (on eBay for the very very sweet deal of $20 USD including shipping because it went fast and under the radar (^^;)).
Does toranoana have this in stock?
15 years, 1 month ago
Nope, they sold out. Nice catch with your Gundam Girls art book, deals like that make me think I should try checking out e-bay again...
15 years, 1 month ago
Awesome pictures, some look really cool. Seems fun to wall with also.
15 years, 1 month ago
Would really love to know where you got Colors from, couldn't find it online or yahoo auctions. That or I'm not searching hard enough...
15 years, 1 month ago
Hmm... yeah, I don't see any on Yahoo Japan at the moment, but that doesn't mean there won't be any later. I bought mine off of Toranoana while it was in stock, but they usually can't re-stock those kinds of things because the artists dictates the amount printed (since he's paying after all). I'd say your best bet is to patrol Yahoo Japan Auctions until it appears at a price you're willing to pay.