
Sweet Impact CUTEG's Girl's Collection 1.0

February 14th, 2010, 8:18PM by nat | 9 comments

Sweet Impact CUTEG Girl's Collection 1.0 - 4

CUTEG's Comiket 77 release Sweet Impact really delivers in both cute girl content and quality. As the first full number volume of her Girl's Collection series, it sets the bar high with eleven newly published and all color illustrations, along with notable guest artist illustrations.

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If you look at the cover image above, you can kind of see in the photo that the panties in the illustration are actually a cut-away, with the stripes you're seeing on the first inside page giving an effect like she's holding them. I almost thought the theme of the book was going to be panties judging from the cover, and CUTEG's Comiket 77 promotional image. It's not, but it came pretty close.

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Sweet Impact is B5 sized and 16-pages with 11 of those featuring artwork by CUTEG and two with guest artist illustrations. Though it's not a lot, as you can see the illustrations are just lovely. CUTEG does a great job at combining cute and sexy in the details of her original girl illustrations; frilly panties, decorated scarfs and thigh highs and just stylish fashions in general. Even CUTEG's fan arts with Hatsune Miku, Megurine Luka, and Sheryl Nome from Macross Frontier stand out with their beautiful coloring and non-standard accessories.

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Even with such an insane expression on her face, CUTEG still manages to make Makinami Mari Illustrious look cute. This image is a spread in the book, and the only two-page image but sadly the publisher managed to mess it up, as the two pages don't align properly and even have a bit of the image missing in the center. Another thing to know about the publishing is that unlike CUTEG's Vacation doujinshi, this one isn't printed on textured pages, so the colors are a lot richer.

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There are two guest illustrations, one by Tiv and the other with an adorable The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya pirates scene illustrated by Piah---who was also a guest artist in CUTEG's last doujinshi and plays a much larger role in their joint Comiket 77 release called Meganeko. All in all it's another great release from CUTEG in an art style I'm enjoying more and more. Definitely worth the month long wait for it to appear (and then quickly disappear!) on Toranoana ^^

  • Title: Sweet Impact
  • タイトル: Sweet Impact
  • Release Date: 12/31/2009
  • Pages: 16
  • Buy: eBay


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15 years, 1 month ago


Worth it for the eva drawings alone!

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15 years, 1 month ago


arghhhh the good stuff never seems to be on amazon japan >_<

Avatar for nat

15 years, 1 month ago


It's true! There really are a lot of impressive independent publications :3

Avatar for anonymousobject

15 years, 1 month ago


Awesome ^^. I was really looking forward to this collection and it does indeed look great. Still waiting for my copy though... -_-

Avatar for nat

15 years, 1 month ago


Yet another reason I use EMS = need for speed! XD


Cuteg and [a little bit of] Tiv work in one book? Doesn't get much more awesome than that.

Avatar for nat

15 years, 1 month ago


With releases like this, Cuteg is definitely fast becoming one of my favorite artists ^^


Nice, am not very familiar with Cuteg but like what I see here, will have to check out her art more. Thanks for the review. ^^

Avatar for Merun

15 years, 1 month ago


Good to know that it was worth the wait! I would have prefered it to be available sooner so that it would save me from the daily Toranoana browsing where you see new interesting stuff to get. My shipment already arrived, but I'm away from home this week. I can't wait to get it :3

PS: Seems like my comment got eaten or I just failed at login and it's waiting approval ^^;, so sorry for the duplicate.

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