
Trip ~Dream Girl~ Illustrations

March 19th, 2010, 8:00PM by nat | 2 comments

Trip ~Dream Girls~ Illustrations - 4

I've been following the work of the artist Ukke through the last few Comikets mostly due to her adorable anime style illustrations that always manage to be both colorful and fashionable. Her style continues to grow and develop and is increasingly in demand, so I thought before I went into her newer works I would start with something older.

Trip ~Dream Girls~ Illustrations - 1

Trip ~Dream Girl~ (とりっぷ〜夢見る女の子〜) came out during the Summer Comiket of 2008, and is B5 in size, full color and 20 pages long when you count the covers.

Trip ~Dream Girls~ Illustrations - 2 Trip ~Dream Girls~ Illustrations - 3

Trip ~Dream Girls~ Illustrations - 5 Trip ~Dream Girls~ Illustrations - 6

As the book focuses on dream girls, there is an element of fantasy in most of the illustrations. The first six pages of art works seemingly come from readily identifiable fairy tales like Alice in Wonderland, The Little Mermaid, and Peterpan.

Trip ~Dream Girls~ Illustrations - 7

Later on, while the girls still look fantastic, they move out of the fairy tale realm. There are two pages of girls dressed as fruits; a cherry, a banana, an orange and a green fruit I can't identify are all brought to life via adorable girls.

Trip ~Dream Girls~ Illustrations - 8Trip ~Dream Girls~ Illustrations - 9Trip ~Dream Girls~ Illustrations - 10

Trip ~Dream Girls~ Illustrations - 11Trip ~Dream Girls~ Illustrations - 12Trip ~Dream Girls~ Illustrations - 13

The remainder of the illustrations look less planned out than the works at the beginning, often lacking backgrounds and placed two or more to a page. Many of the illustrations in the latter half also appeared as top page art works on Ukke's website at some point or another. Several are also featured on her Pixiv account.

Though it's an older doujinshi, which usually makes it hard to find, I often see it when I'm searching on Yahoo Japan auctions, so it's definitely not out of reach for those interested. I'll be reviewing her newer works in the coming weeks, so there's even more to like ^^

  • Title: Trip ~Dream Girl~ Illustrations
  • タイトル: とりっぷ〜夢見る女の子〜
  • Release Date: 08/17/2008
  • Pages: 20 (including covers)
  • Buy: Yahoo Japan


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15 years, 1 week ago


It looks very sweet, there're so many artists to follow.

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15 years, 1 week ago


Loving the japanese take on western fantasy characters, very cute ^^;