
SERENDIPITY Shigeki Maeshima Illustrations

March 29th, 2010, 7:53PM by nat | 15 comments

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Shigeki Maeshima's first illustration collection, titled SERENDIPTY covers a multitude of works from the currently popular Tatakau Shisho The Book of Bantorra to Magna Carta and even Lineage. With an art style reminiscient of Yamamoto Yamato of Kure-nai fame and a master of that mix between beauty and the beast, Shigeki Maeshima's heroines are not frail little girls. They are deadly beautiful women, armed with sexy pouts, curves, and oftentimes actual weapons ^^

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SERENDIPITY Shigeki Maeshima Illustrations features new art work from Tatakau Shisho The Book of Bantorra for the cover along with 3 other new illustrations inside. The slip-cover of this 96 page, A4 sized collection is done in a canvas style texture, so I was glad to see the cover art reprinted inside.

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All of the new illustrations done for this art book are from Tatakau Shisho The Book of Bantorra. Three are portrait style illustrations of the leading ladies, and one is a two page spread featuring Hamutz Meseta and Milepoch at a bar in impossible-to-wear cocktail dresses.

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As you might expect, Tatakau Shisho The Book of Bantorra is the meatiest portion of this collection, covering the first 40 pages of this art book. The illustrations are well-presented with most receiving a full page or two-page spread. There are a few pages where images are arranged two to three per page, but even then the arrangement keeps them well sized to at least half a page. It's nice to see plenty of cover art works included as well.

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I was quite surprised to see characters from Magna Carta in here too, with four illustrations over two pages. Shigeki Maeshima can really emulate Hyung-tae Kim's style, especially in the coloring. The next few pages feature a number of fantasy themed art works along with some sci-fi-styled illustrations from various one-shot covers.

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One of my favorites from this book, it was just begging to be singled out ^^ Apparently it's from the cover of a light novel called Mushinin.

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I did hope to see more DRAGONFLY illustrations in this art book, but in the end there were only a couple. But, had I really thought this through, I would have considered that a full color comic doesn't really need to be in an art book...

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I did have high expectations from the onset for SERENDIPITY Shigeki Maeshima Illustrations, because I know the kind of art work that Shigeki Maeshima is capable of creating. And this really lived up to my expectations both in presentation and art work selection.

  • Title: SERENDIPITY Shigeki Maeshima Illustrations
  • タイトル: SERENDIPITY 前嶋重機画集
  • Pages: 96
  • Release date: 03/25/2010
  • Buy: Amazon Japan


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Avatar for vinhnyu

14 years, 11 months ago


Damn, must buy now, thanks for ruinning me nattoli. ;;

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14 years, 11 months ago


Thanks for reviewing something I can actually acquire! :D

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14 years, 11 months ago


just when i think i'm done with buying artbooks, i read your blog :|

Avatar for nat

14 years, 11 months ago


The line "Just when I thought I was out... they pull me back in" certainly comes to mind XD

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14 years, 11 months ago


Picked this one up on impulse, no thanks to you ;p

I really like his style, it's good to get a book with a lot of content that I'm actually familiar with.

Avatar for nat

14 years, 11 months ago


I like it when impulse buys work out ^^

Avatar for proxima

14 years, 11 months ago


I like this and will add it to the cart during my next shopping opportunity. Arigato gozashimashita sensei.

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14 years, 11 months ago


I can read this review since I've just received my copy (Chronopost was so inept and I didn't want to be "spoiled" by reading...).

"a master of that mix [...] sexy pouts, curves" You described very well Maeshima style.

Really nice art indeed. I bought principally this artbook because of Tatakau Shisho art so I expected more illustrations but it's still a great book ! (as expected from Maeshima)

Avatar for Thanatos

14 years, 11 months ago


This is something different. The darker more mature styles give it a very sexy, almost erotic, feel. Hmmm...I may consider buying this as a variety to the art books I have now which I would describe as having lighter, cuter tones.

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14 years, 11 months ago


I ran out and bought this after seeing this review XD, and was put into a bind because there was another new release artbook right next to it that looked good as well XD (Sugina Miki Work collection Nuregarasu). I got Serendipity though and have my fingers crossed you'll review Miki's book as well so I can see if I should grab it :P.

I looked through this though and really like it. It really felt like near the back of the book, where there are like 5-6 drawings on one page (ie: pg66), that he was really mimicing/paying homage to other artists. I was looking through it with a friend of mine and we both said out loud (quite amusing) that the train station pic on 66 looks A LOT like Range Murata's style. I'd never heard of this artist though, or had realized he had done concept art for Lineage, but he can really change up his style quite effective.

Good buy, and thanks for the review for making me want it :D.

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14 years, 11 months ago


Woops, replied in wrong place lol.

Avatar for nat

14 years, 11 months ago


I took a second look at the illustrations you mentioned, and I see what you mean. Maybe it was intentional because they were for Kikan S Magazine, which is something Range Murata also regularly participates in.

I've got Sugina Miki's book too, it's also a really good though I did like Serendipity better ^^;

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14 years, 11 months ago


Ah ya, that would make sense then.

Ya Serendipity is a nice piece for showcasing Maeshima's work. There aren't a lot of artists in Japan, it seems, doing styles like this (ie: non-美少女).

Thanks, Keep up the great work! :) (crosses fingers for Miki review :D)

Avatar for Lonigus

14 years, 10 months ago


Got this book! Its an absolutly must have !

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14 years, 2 months ago


Hi I bought this artbook and you have right, it's a beautiful book. I watched Book of bantorra 3 months ago and it's a pleasure to see this differents characters in this book.

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