April 8th, 2010, 8:16PM by nat | 8 comments
Koto was a relatively new artist to me when I first decided to pick up Marchen Original Illustrations. My previous exposure to her art work was from the first Pixiv Girls Collection art book, where she had one piece showcased and the Pixiv 2009 Year Book with six of her illustrations . In fact, many of the illustrations in Marchen can be found on her Pixiv account and on her website, but as usual they look better in print ^^;
Marchen was released at the Pixiv Market, which took place in November of last year. It's a staple-bound, B5 sized full color doujinshi that's 24-pages when counting the covers. But the inside and outside covers are used for artwork, so in this case all those pages should count.
The art is definitely cute-girl centric, but the coloring along with the unique settings and more finished backgrounds does help to set Koto's art work apart from other artists. The pictures of the girl on the flower swing was the sample image in particular that really sold me on buying Marchen.
Like I mentioned earlier, nearly every page is used for the illustrations (expect for the index page), but the book also contains 5 two-page spread illustrations, including the cover art work (which isn't reprinted in the inside). All the other illustrations are printed on full pages, so it really is the best presentation for the art works. There is one page with a guest artist contribution of one of Koto's characters (which are all named in the index) but it's pretty average.
I quite like Koto's art work as she really has a cute style that considers background design elements. This is definitely an artist I'll be keeping an eye on. Although she didn't release anything for C77, her website is already updated for a C78 full color Vocaloid doujinshi. And I'm pretty sure we're already seeing some of what will be in it on her Pixiv account!
- Title: Marchen Original Illustrations by Colorcube
- タイトル: Marchen Original Illustrations by Colorcube
- Pages: 24
- Release date: 11/15/2009
- Buy: None
14 years, 11 months ago
It indeed looks cute and sweet, I can't wait for C78.
14 years, 11 months ago
Is there a date for C78?
14 years, 11 months ago
Comike78 is slated for 2010/08/13 - 08/15...about 18 weeks to go for >_<
14 years, 11 months ago
Bet you're just counting the days since you're going to actually be there! :3
14 years, 11 months ago
Nah, that would be far to depressing from the current day on..so counting the weeks is all I can take 'till then ^^
That aside, great write-up once again nat! You've got great taste and I like the alternation of artists/themes you keep going with! This artist/release totally slipped my attention back at PixivMarket (especially since there hasn't been all that much coverage shop and auction-wise for the various participating Circle's publications back then >_<) so even more enjoyable read and apparently a Doujin to add to the watchlist ^^
14 years, 11 months ago
I picked up this book at Pixiv Market, it's definitely worth getting if you can. Did you happen to get the postcards that came with it?
I hope she gets in to C78, would love to get more of her art.
14 years, 11 months ago
I bought it from Toranoana, so there wasn't an option for the postcards. I hope she gets in too, especially since she's definitely started on her Vocaloid collection ~_~
13 years, 7 months ago
Nat, I was wondering about the images for this artist, I can't seem to find her on AP anywhere. Am I missing her somehow or are they not uploaded to AP for some reason? Some of the pictures I would love to have a go at vectoring.