
Norihiro Yagi CLAYMORE Illustrations Memorabilia

August 27th, 2010, 9:46PM by nat | 10 comments

Norihiro Yagi Claymore Illustrations Memorabilia -

Norihiro Yagi CLAYMORE Illustrations Memorabilia is a refined collection of beauties and beasts, though it can be hard to determine which is which at times. Like most artists who started before the digital revolution, he works with real media---pastels, pencils, markers and even oil paints on some of the illustrations. This adds a level of depth, texture and detail to each illustration that is becoming more and more rare in commercial art work these days.

Norihiro Yagi Claymore Illustrations Memorabilia -Norihiro Yagi Claymore Illustrations Memorabilia -Norihiro Yagi Claymore Illustrations Memorabilia -

First off, the packaging and presentation of this hardcover, A4-sized art book is excellent. The book itself is housed in a lightly textured cardboard sheath, that when removed reveals the actual cover illustration that's printed to the cover with a glossy, relief finish. Due to the material of the sheath, the illustration really looks drawn on instead of printed, while the text on the sheath is lightly embossed into the cardboard. Excellent choices all around on this design.

Norihiro Yagi Claymore Illustrations Memorabilia - Norihiro Yagi Claymore Illustrations Memorabilia -

Norihiro Yagi Claymore Illustrations Memorabilia - Norihiro Yagi Claymore Illustrations Memorabilia -

The first inside illustration is monochrome, followed by a color spread which are both from the very first volume of the manga. While the illustrations aren't presented in chronological order, these first two symbolically start you on your Claymore journey again. There is nudity in this book, but it's really artistically done and only lightly defined.

Norihiro Yagi Claymore Illustrations Memorabilia -Norihiro Yagi Claymore Illustrations Memorabilia -Norihiro Yagi Claymore Illustrations Memorabilia -

Norihiro Yagi Claymore Illustrations Memorabilia -Norihiro Yagi Claymore Illustrations Memorabilia -Norihiro Yagi Claymore Illustrations Memorabilia -

Norihiro Yagi CLAYMORE Illustrations Memorabilia is 128-pages long and pretty much entirely illustrations until page 122, which starts the index. There is an additional monochrome illustration even after the index as well.

Norihiro Yagi Claymore Illustrations Memorabilia - Norihiro Yagi Claymore Illustrations Memorabilia -

Norihiro Yagi Claymore Illustrations Memorabilia - Norihiro Yagi Claymore Illustrations Memorabilia -

And the monochrome illustrations in general are incorporated very neatly throughout this book. I like that Norihiro Yagi didn't just include any monochrome work, but rather ones that really look like they belong in an art book. The first section of monochrome memorabilia starts on page 33 and goes to page 49, with full page monochrome works all the way through.

Norihiro Yagi Claymore Illustrations Memorabilia -Norihiro Yagi Claymore Illustrations Memorabilia -Norihiro Yagi Claymore Illustrations Memorabilia -

Norihiro Yagi Claymore Illustrations Memorabilia -Norihiro Yagi Claymore Illustrations Memorabilia -Norihiro Yagi Claymore Illustrations Memorabilia -

That's another point where this book excels: nearly every illustration is printed full to page, which really allows you to see all the details, marker lines and brush strokes that every picture has to offer. The printing is very high quality too, so you won't notice the print dots unless you're looking for them.

Norihiro Yagi Claymore Illustrations Memorabilia -Norihiro Yagi Claymore Illustrations Memorabilia -Norihiro Yagi Claymore Illustrations Memorabilia -

One small flaw is that the two-page spread illustrations aren't printed with overlap, so they're pretty much cut off with the tight, hardcover binding. But, it's not as big a deal as you might think because most of the illustrations are done portrait-style and occupy a single page. In total, only three of the color illustrations are printed as spreads.

Norihiro Yagi Claymore Illustrations Memorabilia - Norihiro Yagi Claymore Illustrations Memorabilia -

Norihiro Yagi Claymore Illustrations Memorabilia - Norihiro Yagi Claymore Illustrations Memorabilia -

The last section of monochrome illustrations goes from pages 88 through 121. Even though I'm not usually a fan of so much monochrome in an art book, it really just looks excellent in this one and feels like the illustrations (and even the order of them) were really carefully selected. Even though Norihiro Yagi CLAYMORE Illustrations Memorabilia is priced a bit above the average for an art book of this size, its quality and presentation more than make up for the price difference, making this art book feel truly collectible ^^

  • Title: Norihiro Yagi CLAYMORE Illustrations Memorabilia
  • タイトル: CLAYMORE画集 Memorabilia
  • Pages: 128
  • Release dates: 07/02/2010
  • Buy: Amazon Japan, eBay


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Avatar for Zeb

14 years, 6 months ago


MUST. GET. @_@

Avatar for Smithy

14 years, 6 months ago


This artbook looks very tempting, always liked the "Claymore" story and it's kind of a shame the anime (understandably so) couldn't really capture the same visual style as these artworks or the original manga.

There's something unique and tangible about this non-digital art style which also perfectly fits the medieval vibe of Claymore.

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14 years, 6 months ago


Much better art than the anime! Didn't expect to see such good art!

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Brad F

14 years, 6 months ago


I really enjoyed watching Claymore. It's still one of my favorites. I like the way this looks. I'll definitely be picking this up in the near future.

Avatar for Thanatos

14 years, 6 months ago


Nice review. I didn't know they had a Claymore art book out there. This series is one of my favorite manga. My only qualm about it is the short and very uncertain life span of all the characters regardless of them being main or supporting.

Considering the recent events of the latest's hard to let yourself get close to characters and develop favorites... - sigh -

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ecel plaza

14 years, 2 months ago


claymore is just a very very nice anime series.... where can i buy that book of claymore..??

Avatar for nat

14 years, 2 months ago


I use Amazon Japan, but you may want to look around online for a regional seller or a better price, depending on where you live.

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14 years, 1 month ago


norihiro yagi is the best i love claymore manga drawings are really really fascinatingg

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13 years, 9 months ago


I absolutely LOVE this artbook. It is my favorite, I think from 2010. Not only did I get it for myself, but I bought it for two other people as Christmas presents.

As you mention, the presentation is really high quality (the nice slip-cover and that transparent red sheet [the second sheet of the book] are nice touches).

I'm a big Claymore fan, so I guess it goes without saying that I love his artwork. The color pieces are really gorgeous, but what amazed me most were the monochrome works. Just really impressive stuff.

Avatar for Wraith

13 years, 8 months ago


I always wondered if there would be a Claymore art book. Have to see if I can get it letter.

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