
Shirogane Hina's Bougainvill Illustration Book

January 13th, 2011, 8:07PM by nat | 2 comments

Kodama Naoko & Shirogane Hina Bougainvill  - 9

Initially, I thought Bougainvill was going to be by two artists, as it was listed as a co-authoring by Shirogane Hina and Kodama Naoka. But on looking through it, Kodama Naoka only contributed one illustration, so she was more of a guest artist for this collection. Luckily, it was Shirogane Hina's art work that it turned out I was interested in ^^

Kodama Naoko & Shirogane Hina Bougainvill  - 1Kodama Naoko & Shirogane Hina Bougainvill  - 2Kodama Naoko & Shirogane Hina Bougainvill  - 4

Bougainvill is a staple-bound, B5-sized, full color doujinshi that's 20-pages when counting the covers. The illustrations vary between fan arts and original works and even manage to squeeze in the (almost) obligatory Touhou illustration.

Kodama Naoko & Shirogane Hina Bougainvill  - 5 Kodama Naoko & Shirogane Hina Bougainvill  - 3

Kodama Naoko & Shirogane Hina Bougainvill  - 8 Kodama Naoko & Shirogane Hina Bougainvill  - 12

Shirogane Hina works with a very pale color palette, and aside from the cover art, most of the illustrations lack vivacity. Instead, there's a yellow hue overcast to many of the illustrations, something that isn't found on the same digital works, so I can only guess it was a printing error. It doesn't affect the images too much though, as they were already quite pale to begin with. Otherwise, the printing is very high quality, with a clean FM screening.

Kodama Naoko & Shirogane Hina Bougainvill  - 7

There was no theme to the overall book, and the fan arts included came from Angel Beats!, Touhou, Maria-sama ga Miteru, Vocaloid, and Precure. A fan art of Cure Sunshine received a two-page spread, but you can also find it on Shirogane Hina's Pixiv.

Kodama Naoko & Shirogane Hina Bougainvill  - 10 Kodama Naoko & Shirogane Hina Bougainvill  - 11

My main reason for trying out this relatively unknown artist was for the Angel Beats! illustrations, the opening art work in particular. The play on Angel Beats!/The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya parody illustration turned out to be the one illustration by Kodama Naoko, but it was also one of the works I had been looking forward to seeing close up. MILK BAR has released another full color illustration book from Comiket 79, and though I bought this one for the fan art, I'm hoping to see more original works from Shirogane Hina in the future ^^

  • Title: Bougainvill
  • タイトル: Bougainvill
  • Pages: 20 (including covers)
  • Release date: 8/15/2010
  • Buy: eBay, Toranoana


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14 years, 2 months ago


Thanks for the thoughts on this! Was tempted to go for Bougainvill as well, so now I know what to expect. There's something cute about Shirogane's style (blame it on the eyes) that caught my attention. The Kagamine as waitress/waiter art looks neat!

Avatar for Lonigus

14 years, 2 months ago


Iam still hoping and always will hope that I can order doujins (NOT those 18+ ones!) directly from cdjapan for example... PLIX PLOX KAMI SAMA T_T