February 3rd, 2011, 7:46PM by nat | 3 comments
Adumi Tohru's Summer Comiket release was a two parter; one book was Flower Dust Crown and included original art works, and the other was Happy Heart Gift which was more of a fan art collection. Interestingly, they were being sold together even through the shops like Toranoana, so I was unwittingly able to get both ^^
Flower Dust Crown
Flower Dust Crown is B5-sized and 30-pages when counting the covers. The cover has relief lettering with a plastic texture and a little glitter, but inside the pages are glossy and smooth. If you've ever seen Adumi Tohru's work (and you probably have even if you don't know it!) she tends to add textures onto her art work, so it's really for the best that it's absent from the paper.
The art work in Flower Dust Crown is beautifully detailed, especially in the clothing. The lacy garments are stunning, with realistic patterns and very fine details in most cases. The character costumes are equally stunning, ranging from casual outfits to period costumes.
The page layouts in Flower Dust Crown are varied between full page illustrations, and half-page presentations. The printing is very high quality though, and as such half-page illustrations aren't diminished from the formatting style. As expected, Adumi Tohru continues to impress with this release, with detailing seldom seen from other artists.
Happy Heart Gift
As I mentioned earlier, Happy Heart Gift seems to be the fan art portion of Adumi Tohru's summer release. It's also B5-sized, but unlike Flower Dust Crown it's staple-bound and 16-pages counting the covers. And in this book's case, even the front and back inside covers are used for illustrations, so it's very packed even for its size. The opening illustration for The Borrower Arrietty (借りぐらしのアリエッティ) was a favorite, in part because I've rarely seen published fan art from it.
There are also notably more illustrations of guys in Happy Heart Gift. All the original character illustrations in Flower Dust Crown are girls, and maybe that was intentional. Either way, with fan arts from D. Gray-man, Fullmetal Alchemist, Howl's Moving Castle, Gundam Wing, and something called Messiah, she quickly satisfies her female audiences as well.
The listing for Flower Dust Crown is still available on Toranoana, though I don't know if that means it still comes with Happy Heart Gift but it's probably the case. Either way, that completes another gorgeous set of art work from Adumi Tohru ^^
- Title: Flower Dust Crown
- タイトル: 花屑王冠~フラワーダスト・クラウン~
- Pages: 30 + 16 (including covers)
- Release date: 08/15/2010
- Buy: Toranoana, Yahoo! Japan Auctions, eBay
14 years, 1 month ago
absolutely beautiful colors! I love the first image especially, wish more artists had this kind of talent!
14 years, 1 month ago
This was one of my favorite from C78. I always liked soft coloring and her style. Strangely enough, all her doujinshi on Toranoana are listed for female audience. I know some of her work is but well lately it's less, or a mix.
13 years, 3 months ago
I'm planning to look for her table at Comiket 81. Do you know if she has a website where I can get the location details?