
Bakutendo's Kirakira Kawaii Sunshine-san

April 22nd, 2011, 4:55PM by nat | 1 comment

Kirakira Kawaii Sunshine-san - 6

Kirakira Kawaii Sunshine-san is a very short doujinshi dedicated solely to Heartcatch Pretty Cure's Cure Sunshine that came out during Comiket 78. Bakutendo enjoys doing these kind of character concentrations in his ACPERIENCE doujinshi series, with his latest concentrating solely on background characters from K-ON!

Kirakira Kawaii Sunshine-san - 1Kirakira Kawaii Sunshine-san - 2Kirakira Kawaii Sunshine-san - 3

Kirakira Kawaii Sunshine-san is a B5-sized, staple-bound book and just 12-pages long. Thankfully, the inside covers are also used for illustrations so you get a few more illustrations than you might have otherwise expected. Though Bakutendo's style leans towards the super-deformed chibi design category, he can still really dress it up with lighting and details.

Kirakira Kawaii Sunshine-san - 4 Kirakira Kawaii Sunshine-san - 5

Kirakira Kawaii Sunshine-san - 7 Kirakira Kawaii Sunshine-san - 8

And though Bakutendo does tend to have a chibi-style, I was glad that most of the Cure Sunshine illustrations were more on the elaborate side, with glows and poses from the transformation sequence included. Because Kirakira Kawaii Sunshine-san is really on the short side, I wouldn't recommend it unless you're a fan of the character, or the artist, or better yet both. But if you like the art work, I doubt you'll be disappointed ^^

  • Title: Kirakira Kawaii Sunshine-san
  • タイトル: キラキラkawaiiサンシャインさん
  • Pages: 12 (including covers)
  • Release date: 08/15/2010
  • Buy: eBay, Melonbooks, Comic ZIN


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13 years, 11 months ago


I wonder if he got a discount deal from the printer for using mostly orange.