
Rabbit Net Chronicles 2004-2010

May 11th, 2011, 8:30PM by nat | 2 comments

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Rabbit Net Chronicles 2004-2010 is an art book-sized doujinshi, released for Comiket 78 featuring art works from many big name artists like Tinkle, Ginta, Ikegami Akane, Tsubasu Izumi and many more. These illustrations covered a variety of goods from decorative bags, to pencil boards, to dakimakura that were released through Rabbit Net over the past few years.

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Rabbit Net Chronicles is A4-sized and 144 pages including the covers. Every illustration is presented on a full page and in most cases there are several illustrations from each artist. The cover art for Rabbit Net Chronicles is by Tinkle and appears again inside the book with several other illustrations by the artist.

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Since the illustrations range from 2004 to 2010, some of the works are starting to look their age, and it's especially noticeable when there are several works by the same artist. For example, Tsubasu Izumi has a total of 9 illustration in the book with several of them being older works that have been featured in her Colorful Pop doujinshi series.

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Korie Riko has a total of 14 illustrations in the collection, six of which are dakimakura cover illustrations. Kimizuka Aoi is also heavily featured, with a total of eight illustrations. Tinkle has a total of 10 illustrations including the cover art work, with four of those being dakimakura covers. Takashina@Masato and Hasekura Chiaki had a couple of illustrations each.

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One of the downsides is that since this book has been such a long time coming, you'll have already seen many of the art works in the artists' own doujinshi and commercial art books. It's also worth noting that there are several of racy illustrations in Rabbit Net Chronicles, in fact probably about a third of the illustrations feature some degree of nudity.

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Though it has its ups and downs, Rabbit Net Chronicles is a great art book overall, even if that's only for the great selection of artists it's brought together under the same cover. Then again, it'd be hard to disappoint, considering the content is made up of years of specially commissioned art works!

  • Title: Rabbit Net Chronicles 2004-2010
  • タイトル: Rabbit Net Chronicles 2004-2010
  • Pages: 144 (including covers)
  • Release date: 08/15/2010
  • Buy: eBay, Toranoana


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13 years, 10 months ago


I have not seen this artbook before! I love this type of art! thank you!

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13 years, 10 months ago


OMG I want this so bad @_@