
Takehito Harada's Pure-iko! Pleinair Collection

May 20th, 2011, 7:41PM by nat | 1 comment

Takehito Harada's Pure-iko! - 13

Takehito Harada, best known for his character designs for Disgaea, Phantom Brave, and Makai Kingdom, has a special place in his heart for his character, Pleinair. Pure-iko! is a collection of entirely Pleinair illustrations, that also feature her pals Usagi-san and Same-san.

Takehito Harada's Pure-iko! - 15Takehito Harada's Pure-iko! - 1Takehito Harada's Pure-iko! - 2

Takehito Harada's Pure-iko! - 3Takehito Harada's Pure-iko! - 4Takehito Harada's Pure-iko! - 5

Pure-iko! is quite lengthy for a doujinshi; it's B5-sized and 44-pages all in color. The illustrations originally ran in TECH GIAN magazine, for the Creator's Museum section, so they have a sort of visual comic style to them. I've bought a couple of TECH GIAN magazines in the past, but there isn't enough content catering to my interests to make me buy regularly, so this is a welcome substitute. Not to mention Pure-iko! has a much higher print quality (and paper quality) than the magazine could ever pull off ^^;

Takehito Harada's Pure-iko! - 6 Takehito Harada's Pure-iko! - 7

Takehito Harada's Pure-iko! - 8 Takehito Harada's Pure-iko! - 11

The Pleinair illustrations are all very nicely done, with lots of variety in style and costumes as well as scenarios. Pure-iko! has the illustrations presented from oldest to newest, and you can really see the subtle changes to Takehito Harada's style from month to month. A few of the illustrations have even inspired figures.

Takehito Harada's Pure-iko! - 12Takehito Harada's Pure-iko! - 14Takehito Harada's Pure-iko! - 10

Pure-iko! finishes with a 2-page index, with Takehito Harada's comments next to a thumbnail of each illustration. In all, there are 37 Pleinair art works, more that enough for a any Disgaea or Takehito Harada fan to come away with this collection satisfied ^^

  • Title: Pure-iko! Pleinair de Ikou!! Collection
  • タイトル: プレいこ!プレネールでいこう!!総集編
  • Pages: 44 (including covers)
  • Release date: 08/15/2010
  • Buy: eBay, Toranoana


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