
Girls Girls Girls! 6 Illustrations

June 15th, 2011, 8:39PM by nat | 7 comments

Girls Girls Girls! 6 Illustrations - 17

I wasn't too enamored with Girls Girls Girls! 6 Illustrations when I bought it last November, and I still feel the same way. Collection-wise, the gallery themes included were a bit plain overall, and absent of the fantasy settings with beautiful backgrounds. The subtitle for this volume is Fetish Girl Collection, but looking through the works, it would be hard to categorize most images like that.

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As with the other volumes, Girls Girls Girls! 6 Illustrations is A4-sized and 96 pages. The cover illustration, newly drawn by Izumi Tsubasu, is gorgeous, but unfortunately not repeated inside without the text. The first five illustrations in the book are by Suzuhira Hiro and Izumi Tsubasu. Three of Suzuhiro Hira's zodiac poster illustrations are included, while the two by Izumi Tsubasu were also Etsu (E☆2) magazine exclusives. The first themed section features school girls in short-top sailor uniforms, with for the most part, equally short skirts. It's fairly short with 15 illustrations in total.

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The next section is Sports Girls, with a variety of illustrations featuring girls in different sports clothing. There are a few 'could be anything' pictures like the beach volleyball one, but there are also some often ignored sports illustrated, like crew and equestrianism. The works pictured above are by Koji, Tokumi Yuiko, Hinayuki Usa, Satoshi Kiba, and Hayase Akira.

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The theme for the next eleven illustrations is Book Girls and every picture features a girl with something to read. The costumes are bit more creative in this section---at least when they're not the standard school uniforms you'd expect. There are also three pages of illustrations by Hazumi Rio, that start out the Fetish Catalog section.

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In this section, each artists receives two pages, side by side. One page features a full-page work with a background, and the adjacent page explains the fetish with text and illustrations. They are kind of amusing overall, with some of the fetishes being height differences between girls, twins, wet clothes (and their transparency), nekomimi maids, and bare feet! There's art work from KEI, Kobuichi, A=G, Natsuki Coco, Refeia, Kishida Mel and several other artists in this section.

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Girls Girls Girls! 6 Illustrations finishes with 12-pages of E☆2lien comics that used to run regularly in the magazine by Zankuro. One thing this volume had going for it was there were no two-page spreads, so it did feel like more illustrations than usual. The themes were just a bit on the bland side. Probably worth skipping and just getting Girls Girls Girls! 7 for most folks ^^;

  • Title: Girls Girls Girls! 6 Illustrations
  • タイトル: ガールズ・ガールズ・ガールズ!6
  • Pages: 96
  • Release date: 11/30/2010
  • Buy: Amazon Japan


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13 years, 9 months ago


Indeed this new version of the Girls Girls Girls! (GGG) series is kinda disappointing. I was hoping to see more "spicy" illustrations, especially if one takes into account its title. Yet it is does have some nice illustrations. The one made by Izumi Tsubasu (cover) is really pretty. Fortunately the cover illustration comes up without the text in Izumi's Memory of Jade. ^^

I am currently curious to see GGG7 (which I already ordered). At least its cover illustration is really good.

Avatar for nat

13 years, 9 months ago


I quite liked GGG7, the themes were a lot more creative with zodiac animals, winged girls, and 'celebration' themed works. And Tony's cover art is repeated inside without text :D It's in my review queue, but I have a bunch of things in front of it already ^^;

Avatar for Smithy

13 years, 9 months ago


One of the fetishes is wet clothes? Reminds me of the "Yoiko no Moecco! Nuresuke!! - Wetlook Only" artbook which was surprisingly disappointing inside where it had but a few good illustrations after its promising cover art by Misaki Kurehito.

Avatar for nat

13 years, 9 months ago


Heh, I took one look at the artist listing for Wetlook Only and canceled my pre-order. Definitely extra glad I did after seeing what was in it ~_~ Even at that price it wasn't worth it for me.

Avatar for Kira-kun

13 years, 9 months ago


I bought "Yoiko no Moecco" most because an illustration made by Youta. Anyway, I do also agree about the fact it could be more interesting.

Avatar for nat

13 years, 9 months ago


I've done that before... sometimes one illustration is worth it though! :D

Avatar for Lonigus

13 years, 9 months ago


Throw once or twice an eye on the GGG7 on CDjapan and its aswell on my buying queue list :D. Will wait till I see it here!