
Ultra Graphics 1999 - 2009

October 26th, 2009, 8:11PM by nat | 9 comments

Gunm Gally

In celebration of Ultra Jump Magazine's 10 anniversary, UJ has released an art book collection of magazine covers called Ultra Graphics 1999 - 2009. The covers for the magazine have been drawn by everyone from Range Murata to Oh! Great and Aoi Nanase. But the presentation for this collection does leave a little something to be desired.

Ultra Graphics CoverCover CompilationImage Index

1999 SectionRange Murata CoverAgharta

First off, just getting a book with this many famous artists in one place is exceptional. But in truth, not all of the cover art is featured. Ultra Graphics 1999 - 2009 is organized by year, with the oldest covers at the front of the book.

Katsuya TeradaRead OR Die Shutaro YamadaOh! Great Tenjho Tenge

BASTARD!! Cover ArtBastard!!Aoi Nanase + Taruto

Since the magazine started in late 1999, only two issues were published and so both covers are pictured. But the year 2000 section has only 10 illustrations, out of which only two of the illustrations are cover art works. And it goes on this way for the rest of the book.

Battle Angel Alita Takeshi Obata

Angel on the Stairs Betten Court Girls

Since I don't collect or read Ultra Jump magazine, it was great seeing more illustrations from series like Gunnm (Battle Angel Alita) and art work from Betten Court. There's plenty of illustrations by Oh! Great, all from Tenjho Tenge of course :D

Range Murata Range Murata Girl

Cloth Road Okama Chika Umino

I was also surprised to see that Range Murata has done so much art work for the magazine, even though he didn't have a comic running in it. The 10th Anniversary issue of Ultra Jump has a new Range Murata illustration on the cover, so they've come full circle ^^

SadamitsuHiroyuki UtataneTenjho Tenge

NeedlessTsutomu NiheiMine Yoshizaki

One of the other downsides is that the book is only B5 size, smaller than the normal A4 size for most art books. The art work for the most part is also presented on half a page, with very few full page illustrations.

Hyung-tae Kim

Another artist that I was surprised to see art work from was Hyung-tae Kim. I'm sure avid fans have already seen the two illustrations in this book, but they were new to me!

Tenjho TengeMiwa Shirow DOGSTenjho Tenge Girls

皇国の守護者Tsutomu NiheiShinobu Takayama et al

Miwa Shirow was another heavily featured artist in the book, with Ultra Jump cover arts from DOGS/Bullets & Carnage. Aoi Nanase also made an appearance, and although most of the illustrations are not related to a manga, there is one from Puchimon. There are also several illustrations by Yu Itoh, with his Imperial Guards (Koukoku no Shugosha) series.

ShishizaruMiwa Shirow DOGSPEACE MAKER

In LeatherOkamaBastard!!

Oh! And there's art from Okama, because Cloth Road runs in Ultra Jump as well. The ones I point out are just my personal favorite from this book. Who are your personal favorites in this collection?

DOGS Bullet & Carnage Needless

Tatsuyuki TanakaTenjho TengeUltra Jump Index

I do think this book is quite expensive for what it is; it retails for ¥2362, but it's small and a lot of the images are tiled. Also, the book is 112 pages long, of which 96 are in color. But the black and white is just for the thank you page and index. Maybe a lot of the costs went to the artists, because it sure wasn't in the production of this paperback book.

Hand-holding :D

In the end, I think it makes a better archive than art book. I wasn't very familiar with most of the publications in Ultra Jump magazine, though I did recognize most of the artists, so it expanded my horizons in that aspect while looking up information for this post ^^



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15 years, 5 months ago


I enjoy the panty shots, I also enjoy the pantyless shots.

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15 years, 4 months ago


Not a lot of those in this post, but glad you've managed to find them ;D

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15 years, 4 months ago


Alot of this artwork is pretty bad, I like the okama stuff like this though:

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15 years, 4 months ago


Shounen manga has always had a different look than the moe stuff we're increasingly used to.

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15 years, 4 months ago


Looks like a lot of goodies in this one (last exile, okama), but maybe you can get that stuff in their own art books...

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15 years, 4 months ago


Sadly, the Cloth Road stuff by Okama isn't available in an art book yet... But the Range Murata ones (though not from Last Exile) are available elsewhere.

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15 years, 4 months ago


I heard PEACH-PIT is in there too???

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15 years, 4 months ago


Yes, Peach-Pit is in there, but only for one illustration, and that one illustration also appears in the Peach-Pit Sui Mitsu Kyo art book, in a much larger form. If you're looking for Peach-Pit stuff that isn't series related, that's the book to go for.

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11 years, 6 months ago


I love the artists in Ultra Jump Especially Imai Kami.

How many of his works are in this book? Imai Kami mangaka for NEEDLESS

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