
Fuji Shiki 2007 - 2011 Illustrations

July 1st, 2011, 8:11PM by nat | 1 comment

Fuji Choko's Fuji Shiki 2007 - 2011 - 15

Fuzi Choko's Fuji Shiki 2007 - 2011 is an amazing selection of illustrations, showing the strength of her work in a barrage of color and imaginative dreamscapes. While I've seen an illustration or two of hers in a variety of different collections, I've never had the chance to flip through page after page of her A4-sized art works, and it's a truly inspiring experience.

Fuji Choko's Fuji Shiki 2007 - 2011 - 1 Fuji Choko's Fuji Shiki 2007 - 2011 - 2 Fuji Choko's Fuji Shiki 2007 - 2011 - 3

Fuji Choko's Fuji Shiki 2007 - 2011 - 4 Fuji Choko's Fuji Shiki 2007 - 2011 - 5 Fuji Choko's Fuji Shiki 2007 - 2011 - 7

Fuji Shiki 2007 - 2011 is an A4-sized doujinshi with a horizontal layout, utilizing landscape dimensions for most of the illustrations and rotating the portrait style art works. It's 60-pages in length, including the covers whose insides are also used for art work. And just to make it even more awesome, it's printed using FM screening, which pretty much looks flawless to the naked eye.

Fuji Choko's Fuji Shiki 2007 - 2011 - 8 Fuji Choko's Fuji Shiki 2007 - 2011 - 9

Fuji Choko's Fuji Shiki 2007 - 2011 - 10 Fuji Choko's Fuji Shiki 2007 - 2011 - 11

Some of the illustrations are done in real media, and you can see that colored pencils and watercolors are just as useful tools for Fuzi Choko as a tablet. The colors are also expectedly vibrant, though not as rich as they get with her digital works. Fuzi Choko has also done original works for a variety of digital coloring technique guides, and we get to see some of those in Fuji Shiki as well.

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A lot of the work was familiar; Fuzi Choko does post a lot of her art works on Pixiv. As far as published content goes, her illustrations from Pixiv Quarterly Magazine Vol. 01 and Vol. 02, the Pixiv 2011 Calendar, and the Pixiv Girls Collection 2011 art book are all in here. Her illustration from Railway Girls and Scenery Pictorial Book as well as one of her two illustrations from Moeru Classic Heroine Collection.

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The book finishes with a 7-page short comic. Fuji Shiki 2007 - 2011 is really an excellent collection, and well worth its after market price of ¥1365. Unfortunately, it went out of stock nearly as fast as it came, but there's always a chance for reprints around Comiket 80. If you're impatient though or don't want to try your luck, head to the auctions ^^

  • Title: Fuji Shiki 2007 - 2011 Illustrations
  • タイトル: Fuji Shiki 2007 - 2011 Illustrations
  • Pages: 60 (including covers)
  • Release date: 05/05/2011
  • Buy: eBay, Comic Zin


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13 years, 8 months ago


Omg must buy! but the starting price on YHJ already 2500yen :/