
Megami Magazine Fetish: Girls Whom Girls Draw

August 24th, 2011, 7:33PM by nat | 3 comments

Megami Fetish: Girls Whom Girls Draw - 8

In Megami Magazine's Girls Whom Girls Draw we have a unique collection of fifty-three notable female artists who all illustrate (and some even prefer illustrating) beautiful girls. While some artists are more known than others, everyone contributed brand new works to this gallery, making for a rather impressive art book.

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Like many of these various artist collections, the illustrations are placed opposite a non-illustration page with the artist's information. In Girls Whom Girls Draw each artist answers a few questions like what kind of system they used and to tell a little about the illustration they drew. Megami Magazine Fetish: Girls Whom Girls Draw is an A4-sized book and 118 pages. Shiromizakana's cover illustration is featured inside as a fold-out poster. Her interview is at the end of the book, with a 4-page walkthrough of how she drew and colored the art work, all using real media.

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There are some really lovely newly drawn illustrations from both Midori Foo and Fuzi Choko in Girls Whom Girls Draw, and still as colorful as ever. Also pictured above are works by Mizu, Shirakomugi, Gin, and Nemunemu.

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Sakura Koharu was included along with Enomoto, whom I don't think I've ever seen in a commercial collection like this before. I have a few doujins by her, but suffice to say her art work isn't usually as mainstream as the work she included in this book. Kinta and Pisuke's illustrations are also pictured above, both with a school uniforms theme.

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Artists number 48 through 52 are presented differently, with the illustrations and the interviews all on the same pages along with other trivia. After Shiromizaka's interview and tutorial, there are a few pages of photographed workspaces for Tiv, bomi, isuZu, Fuzi Choko, Miggy, and a few others. Megami Magazine Fetish: Girls Whom Girls Draw is definitely one of the better themed collections I've bought in the past year, made even better by its low retail price of ¥1575. Here's hoping art books like this become a regular series for Megami Magazine!

  • Title: Megami Magazine Fetish: Girls Whom Girls Draw
  • タイトル: 女の子が描くおんなのこ: メガミマガジンフェティッシュ
  • Pages: 118
  • Release date: 07/30/2011
  • Buy: Amazon Japan


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13 years, 7 months ago


This looks like a lovely art collection, I especially like how the illustrations are daring but not too ecchi, as well as some of the images showcasing girls getting a tad frisky making for an excellent yuri vibe.

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13 years, 7 months ago


Glad I ordered it, the pics look pretty awesome! I should start studying Japanese since I really wish to understand the content of the books ;D;

Avatar for Lonigus

13 years, 6 months ago


WOW the first pic is awesome XD

Oh and Ive bumped into this book before and was wondering wtf is that since as usuall there were no relevant pics around XD. Now again you was reading in my head that I was looking for its content. :D

Gotta grab later one copy aswell. Atm sadly my wallet is dry as the Sahara desert lol.