
Eretto's Utsura Uraraka 2 Illustrations

October 31st, 2010, 8:32PM by nat | 3 comments

Eretto's Utsura Uraraka 2 Illustrations - 4

Utsura Uraraka 2 is a full-color illustration collection released by Eretto during Comiket 78. The title is also Eretto's circle name, Utsura Uraraka. Though mostly fan art, the collection also features original character designs for Eretto's circle mascots.

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Eretto's Utsura Uraraka 2 starts out with three illustrations of his original characters, followed by a short chibi-style comic. They're really nice for mascots, and it looks like one of the girls is an aspiring artist! The drawing style though is quite reminiscent of how he illustrates the To Aru Majutsu no Index characters. The book itself is 28-pages including the covers, B5-sized, and glue-bound. The pages are also quite thick, and thankfully, untextured.

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Eretto definitely appears to be a fan of Last Order from To Aru Majutsu no Index as she's appeared in several of his doujins. She's pictured with Accelerator in all of the illustrations in this fan book.

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There are also a few "one of" illustrations, like Cure Sunshine from Pretty Cure above, Amagami, Arakawa Under the Bridge and a couple from Working!! I know I've said it before, but Cure Sunshine fan art was everywhere this past Comiket. On the other hand, not a lot of fan art for the eclectic characters of Arakawa Under the Bridge.

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The last few full page illustrations in Utsura Uraraka 2 are all Vocaloid characters; Megurine Luka, Kagamine Rin and Len, and Hatsune Miku in a Project DIVA costume along with a background VN02 version.

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Utsura Uraraka 2 ends with a few pages of Tsuruya-san comics, a collage illustration and a credits page. It's actually quite full for a doujinshi, and I'm a fan of Eretto's soft coloring and clean anime-style art. Too bad I missed out on the first one! Anyhow, it's still readily available on Toranoana, long after Comiket 78 has ended.

  • Title: Utsura Uraraka 2
  • タイトル: ウツラウララカ2
  • Pages: 28 (including covers)
  • Release date: 8/13/2010
  • Buy: Toranoana


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14 years, 4 months ago


I have his first one, I don't think this one is as good really, pretty close though.

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14 years, 4 months ago


Nice vocaloid, good original art too I guess ^^

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14 years, 4 months ago


Nice one, I'll try to get it and will remember the author's name, his style looks really nice :o