
Shitagi-Biyori Hattori Mitsuru Illustrations

November 16th, 2009, 8:18PM by nat | 11 comments

Red Petals

Hattori Mitsuru's Shitagi-Biyori falls somewhere between a picture book and an art book. Its small size and narrative would make you think picture book. But for the sheer amount of new art work by the artist, it's definitely an art book.

Shitagi Biyori CoverTitle Page PantiesWatering the Plants

Standing on TiresResting in the GrassTeeth Check!

The book itself is about the height of an average manga volume, but unlike manga, it's as wide as it is tall, making it a perfect square.


A small line of text (sometimes very small, as you can see in the picture above) accompanies each image, expressing the idea or the feeling of the girl in the picture. But not understanding it certainly doesn't detract from the art work.

Drying Off Traffic Report

Nude Bra Cold Blue Swim

The art work theme if you haven't guessed it, is girls wearing their underwear outside, in what would be considered very public places. Lingerie, boxers, slips, camisoles, garters---you name it, it's in there. Amazingly, even though it's all about underwear, there isn't any nudity in the art book.

FireworksHair FlipLeopard Print

You might recognize Mitsuru Hattori's art style from Kenko Zenrakei Suieibu Umisho---a series where the girls spent the better part of their day in bathing suits. Well, it's pretty much the same thing in this book except with underwear.

Rise and ShineAnd a Horse...Maple Leaves

Wintery WeatherChristmas ColorsNew Year

The strongest point in Hattori Mitsuru's illustrations is the colors, which are full of soft yet vivid gradient transitions, in particular in the hair. Some of the art works in the book are hardly more than colored sketches, with rough outlines. But the majority are fully finished illustrations, if you're accustomed with the artist's style.

Resting on the Beach Sporty Gal

On the Violin Inside Out

With 55 different illustrations of girls in underwear, along with a full color 7-page comic it's quite a steal at the cover price of ¥1300. Hattori Mitsuru's girls are unique in style, and really stand out in a world of increasingly common moe designs. So if you're up for a change, do give this book a try!

Water Reflections



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    guest avatar

    15 years, 3 months ago


    Didn't expect this to be full of underwear given the preview image o_o

    Avatar for nat

    15 years, 3 months ago


    Mwahahaha, that was the master plan! >:D

    Avatar for noodles

    15 years, 3 months ago


    Wow this is a hidden gem! Great find!

    Avatar for anonymousobject

    15 years, 3 months ago


    Book of underwear :D

    This artbook has actually been on my wishlist for a while but sadly is now only available in auctions and I don't want it badly enough to pay the extra premium to get it >_<

    Avatar for nat

    15 years, 3 months ago


    I know that feeling: I'll get it if I can get it easily, but I don't want it bad enough to seek it out on its own :3 I've passed on many an art book like that ~_~

    guest avatar

    15 years, 3 months ago


    You can still find a used one on Benippon for a little less than 2000¥ ^^

    Avatar for Merun

    15 years, 3 months ago


    The problem with BeNippon is that they don't put the state of the artbook. My Tsukiyono Chakai, while already twice the normal price, had the border quite worn off. I also wonder where they find the second-hand stuff..

    Avatar for moutonzare

    15 years, 1 month ago


    Finally, I decided to buy it from Benippon. It arrived today and was in a mint condition. I bought it for 1600¥ so I am quite pleased ^^

    Avatar for nat

    15 years, 1 month ago


    Good deal, especially in mint condition. Even better considering you can't even buy it new anymore!

    guest avatar

    15 years, 3 months ago


    felicitaciones!!!muy buenos dibujos!!!

    Avatar for Alpha-Zeon

    15 years, 3 months ago


    Wow, this is really nice. Even if its girls in their underwear in public places. I especially liked the second big pic of the girl with pink hair laid back wearing a camisole.