September 30th, 2009, 10:47AM by nat | 8 comments
I have no idea why her book's title is in question form. "For friends?" was released during Comiket 76 along with another illustration doujinshi, Mizutama. Mizutama had too many two page spreads with too few pages, so I went with this one.
My attraction to Chisato Naruse's art work was re-kindled this past summer, when I finally bought her commercial art book Fabriese. After a quick search I found her doujin circle, Tanpopo-ya and was able to check out her releases. "For friends?" is 20 pages, but only if you include the covers. I notice that Chisato Naruse also includes the covers in her count and has it listed as 20 pages on her website.
The theme for the art work is that they're all characters/classes from the Final Fantasy XI game. I never played that one, probably because it was online with a system I didn't have at the time. But the art work still appeals to me! I always enjoy the medieval look of fantasy RPG characters.
Can any of you FFXI players out there identify the characters in the pictures? :3
15 years, 5 months ago
Nice, is it in full color or are there some b&w pages too?
15 years, 5 months ago
It's full color, no room for black and white in this one! :D
15 years, 5 months ago
I went ahead and identified the characters for you. I've been playing FFXI for 6 years so haha, they are pretty easy to distinguish. Do you know if this Doujin is sold anywhere online? I would love to pick up a copy =D
15 years, 5 months ago
That was really nice of you!
15 years, 5 months ago
Wow, you're awesome, thanks! I had a look around, and the only place that still listed it is
But thanks to you, I just realized she's been drawing these characters all along. There's another collection of FFXI illustrations called that can still be purchased Funny Fudge, and it looks like she's wearing the wedding armor :3
15 years, 5 months ago
wow, I never knew those sites existed! but now I know I don't even know if I could work out how to buy there, even more hurdles >_<
15 years, 5 months ago
Great point. I'm definitely going to do a write up on purchasing doujinshi at these places. It's not as hard as you might think!
15 years, 5 months ago
Yeah, Chisato and Misato Mitsumi do a lot of FFXI based art that I've seen. If you ever need help identifying them, let me know haha. Also, thanks :3, I'll check it out and haha, if you put up a buying guide hopefully buy a copy.