May 4th, 2010, 7:42PM by nat | 9 comments
I'm laughing just typing that title. Yoiko no Moecco! Imouto Pantsu ONLY is a ¥1300 mook (magazine book) featuring the illustrations of 44 different artists on the always popular theme of "imouto pantsu." There's a real mix of old favorites as far as artists go, with some new up and coming artists who I'm starting to see more and more often in magazines like Dengeki MOEOH and E☆2 (Etsu).
The cover art work is by Fujiwara Warawara, and is sadly not repeated in the book without text. This B5-sized mook has a slip-cover, and underneath is a slightly different version of the cover art, with a frown instead of a smile. The girls are then divided into smaller themes of Lollypop Girl (pages 4-19), School Girl (pages 20-38), and Love Girls (pages 39-48).
Above are some of the illustrations in the Lollypop Girl section. I'm not entirely sure what being a Lollypop Girl entails because there really is quite a lot of variety in the art works. The artists pictured above are Korisu, Mitsui Mana, Kotamaru, and Hato Rami.
More from the same section, with art by Ramis, Yaegashi Nan, and E=MC2. Ramis is new to me, Yaegashi Nan sports a different style from the D.C. Da Capo illustrations he usually does, and E=MC2's style remains classic.
The next section follows the School Girl theme, and every illustration provides some kind of element of the theme from the uniform, to the classroom, to satchels. Aside from Sakurazawa Izumi (not pictured) there really aren't any headliner artists in this section, but more so ones that I would consider up-and-coming like Hima and Kouguchi Moto. The illustrations above from left to right are Ikeda Yasuhiro, Hima, Mokamoka, Kouguchi Moto, Narumi Suzune and Sody.
The final illustration section called Love Girls is the shortest section, and the only section that includes a bit of nudity. One of the tamest illustrations is above, by Siro. Other artists in this section include Sakuya Tsuitachi, Goban, Izumi Iko, Aoi Kumiko, Natsuki Syuri, Alto Seneka, Takaharu, and Youta.
This book is 114 pages, but the illustrations stop at page 48. The rest of the book consists of some commentaries of anime series that included imouto-type characters along with panties (Kiss x Sis, Strike Witches) and a 9-page "History of Panties." The book ends with two monochrome comics on the overall theme for Yoiko no Moecco! Imouto Pantsu ONLY. For the price (¥1300), it's a pretty solid collection of illustrations.
- Title: Yoiko no Moecco! Imouto Pantsu ONLY
- タイトル: よいこの萌えっ娘!—妹パンツONLY
- Pages: 114
- Release date: 04/29/2010
- Buy: Amazon JAPAN
14 years, 10 months ago
Not sure this one would even get through customs >_>
14 years, 10 months ago
Hahah my tought too... But so far they never opened my packages XD. Thanks god btw lol.
On a side note that for its price its a rly nice catch. My VISA gonna bleed again after salary arrives :>
14 years, 10 months ago
Hehe, I'm pretty sure they opened mine actually, since the box was re-taped. Guess it's not as racy as you all think! :3
¥1300 is a bargain! It's the rest of the stuff that's gonna bleed your wallet ;D
14 years, 10 months ago
Damn -.- ... Maybe mine customs are "weaker" then yours <:D. But yeah urgh damn thats on the thin line of getting trough to post office and me going to explain to the nice customs officer what does this pantsu loli stuff means... >_>
14 years, 10 months ago
Amazon needs a 'covert package' option in addition to gift wrapping to help these things get through smoothly!
14 years, 10 months ago
Isn't the cover artwork is by Fujiwara Warawara?
14 years, 10 months ago
Yes ^^;
14 years, 10 months ago
I'm not too phased about the raciness of the illustrations, though if I ever saw this on a shelf in a store I may try to buy it with it wedged between a bunch of other books or hand it to the cashier face down ^^;
In terms of personal preferences, this book looks interesting but it doesn't really fit my tastes. Imouto moe is cute and all but most of the girls here are rather...hmm...too young ^^; Although there are a few illustrations I did like. The first picture and cover definitely, I also thought the train one was pretty funny XD Poor imouto.
14 years, 10 months ago
LOL! I sure gotta rethink buying this book... My friend got serious problems explaining to the customs officer what this book is about wtf...