
Chisato Naruse's Wonderland

July 8th, 2010, 8:30PM by nat | 4 comments

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Wonderland is the latest illustration collection from Chisato Naruse, having been released during COMIC 1☆4 at the end of April. It's a compilation doujinshi, featuring her favorites from 6 years of illustration, 2003 through 2009. The only new illustration in this volume is the cover art work, featuring Chisato Naruse's version of Alice in Wonderland.

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For the most part nowadays, Chisato Naruse's art work is mostly found in collection books or magazines like E☆2, 100 Masters of Bishoujo Painting, and Headphone Girls Pictorial Reader. This B5-sized, 36 page (including covers) doujinshi includes several illustrations from the above mentioned books, along with one-shot illustrations for places like Toranoana, Melonbooks, and also magazines.

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Chisato Naruse is one artist for whom I prefer her older works over her newer ones. Her earlier style, like in the opening photo, or the Melon-chan and girl walking with her cat illustrations above, have a softer more pastel style that just glows. By contrast, her newer works---like the girl holding the cake above---have become more defined, with almost animation cel-like coloring. Even the new cover art has chunkier lines than I'm used to seeing from her.

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The majority of the illustrations get a full page, but as you can see in the pictures, the artist's commentaries are printed over them ^^; At least it's a transparent box, but layout-wise it makes little sense to have space for a large border and not a better way to fit comments. Another thing that stands out about this collection is that it's nearly all commercial art work, which isn't often the case with doujinshi.

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The last 4 pages before the credits page of Wonderland are monochrome illustrations done for Magicu from 2006 to 2007, and mostly all feature girls in their lingerie. I don't keep up with Chisato Naruse's commercial work outside of E☆2 and Toranoana publications, so a lot of these illustrations were new to me which made it a better purchase than I'd thought it would be ^^

  • Title: Wonderland
  • タイトル: Wonderland
  • Pages: 36 (including covers)
  • Release date: 04/29/2010
  • Buy: Toranoana, Melonbooks


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14 years, 8 months ago


Full color! Full Page! My kind of Artbook!

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14 years, 8 months ago


I also prefer her older style, especially from Angelic Serenade. It was softer, less squary and as you said, pastel color.

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14 years, 8 months ago


The opening picture looks great. and so many more lovely illustrations!

Btw: I really like your blog, would you be interested in link exchange?

I will add your site to the links of my blog anyway since everyone should visit here :D I would be honored to too be added to your links^_^

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14 years, 8 months ago


Sure, always glad to add a fellow art book blogger to the list ^^