
Yoshiyuki Sadamoto Illustrations CARMINE

July 22nd, 2010, 7:28PM by nat | 16 comments

Yoshiyuki Sadamoto's CARMINE - 43

Yoshiyuki Sadamoto Illustrations CARMINE came out as a limited edition boxed set in March 2009. This giant art book included works from FLCL, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Nadia Secret of Blue Water, Aim for the Top! 2, and .hack//SIGN as well as few original illustrations. While the limited edition art book had a huge price tag of ¥13,000, coming out next month is the standard edition for the much more affordable price of ¥3,150.

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The limited edition of CARMINE comes boxed in with a "digital" collection of the art book---this amounts to wallpaper sized versions of all of the works in the book---as well as two full body stick posters of Rei Ayanami and Asuka Langley Soryu. I didn't fully unroll the posters in the photos above.

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CARMINE itself comes enclosed in with a hard cover case, with a design that looks like shattered glass on a light-reflective surface. It also comes with two prints that also appear as illustrations in the art book, one from Aim for the Top! 2 and the other from Neon Genesis Evangelion.

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The actual book itself is hardcover, B4 size and 168-pages. The sections in the book are divided by series for the most part, although there are some points of overlap, like having Summer Wars and The Girl Who Leapt Through Time in the same section. Most of the art work in the book is unsurprisingly from Neon Genesis Evangelion.

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Though there were a couple of images I hadn't seen before at the time, notably the one above with Asuka and Rei in ballerina costumes, but most were recognizable illustrations from merchandise like DVD covers and manga covers.

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As the Neon Genesis Evangelion section takes up 80 pages of this 168-page art book, the category is subdivided into illustrations for the DVD series and a section for the movie Evangelion 1.0: You Are (NOT) Alone. Though the movie section is short, it does include one of the few anime style illustrations Yoshiyuki Sadamoto has done for Evangelion in recent years.

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The Girl Who Leapt Through Time and Summer Wars section includes only five illustrations, of which only one is from Summer Wars. Considering that at the time this book came out, Summer Wars hadn't even been in theaters, promotional illustrations like the one featured were probably all that was available. I'm curious to find out if any additional Summer Wars illustrations will be included in the standard edition of CARMINE, so if anyone gets it, let me know!

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The .hack section included a total of nine illustrations, with each illustration getting a full page display. It's easily some of the most beautiful art work in the book with its colorful presenation, even if it's not a series I'm into.

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Aim for the Top! 2 was covered over 10 pages with 10 illustrations, most of which were the anime style art works for the DVD covers. I was always a fan of the DVD covers for this OVA, and it's pretty impressive to see such detailed illustrations in the high resolution printing they deserve.

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Though it's been a while since FLCL first came out, there hasn't been a decent collection of the illustrations from this show aside from the overpriced Groundwork of FLCL book that was put out by Gainax, which is mostly just story board animation sketches. Even with just nine color illustrations in the section, it's still more color FLCL art than I've seen in any other book ^^;

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Also, the FLCL section is the only one to also have monochrome illustrations; these works were also featured on the DVDs. There are eight monochrome illustrations in the FLCL section.

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The final illustration section in Yoshiyuki Sadamoto Illustrations CARMINE is titled "Other Works" and includes some original illustrations along side a total of two illustrations from Nadia Secret of Blue Water. The majority of his Nadia illustrations can be found in his earlier art book Der Mond, which has been re-published in the US.

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The art book ends with a 19-page interview/conversation with Yoshiyuki Sadamoto and guests like Hideaki Anno, Mamoru Hosoda, and Kazuya Tsurumaki. The monochrome index takes up the last few pages with the original publication info underneath each thumbnail. Yoshiyuki Sadamoto Illustrations CARMINE is an excellent book, but in all honesty, if I'd know the standard edition would have been released a little over a year later, I would have waited for that. Of course, if I had that kind of psychic ability, I'd rather it be for something more useful than predicting art book releases ;D The limited edition is gorgeous, but I'm more interested in the content than the presentation in this case, especially for a monetary difference of ¥10,000!

  • Title: Yoshiyuki Sadamoto Illustrations CARMINE
  • タイトル: 貞本義行画集 CARMINE
  • Pages: 168
  • Release dates: 03/2009, 08/26/2010
  • Buy: Amazon Japan, eBay


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14 years, 8 months ago


Now that's a box!!!

Avatar for vinhnyu

14 years, 8 months ago


I did the same kind of mistake!

Several years ago, I bought the limited edition of Range Murata's futurythtm. One year later, there was a release of the standard book 10,000 yen cheaper, I almost cried!

Well, I learned my lesson and good thing I waited for the standard version of CARMINE! >:D

Avatar for nat

14 years, 8 months ago


Lol! I guess we all have to learn the hard way at least once. It builds character ;D

Avatar for Zeb

14 years, 7 months ago


Yes but the le version of futurythtm blew the standard edition to dust imho :P

Avatar for nat

14 years, 7 months ago


True, but I think he's the exception. I can't think of anyone else who makes books like Range Murata. Most artists probably don't even consider the industrial design aspect of a book :3

guest avatar

14 years, 8 months ago


Hmm...wonder if Viz is going to release it in English? Maybe one should wait yet another year or two!

Avatar for Bob

14 years, 7 months ago


Very nice review, thank you.

I can definitely see myself getting this, preferably the standard edition when it comes out. I do have Der Mond, very good stuff.

Avatar for Zeb

14 years, 7 months ago


You know, with the release of the standard edition, I still think this le version is classier!

Avatar for staniol

14 years, 5 months ago


I'm curious to find out if any additional Summer Wars illustrations will be included in the standard edition of CARMINE, so if anyone gets it, let me know!

There are the same pictures in the "The Girl Who Leapt Through Time and Summer Wars" section as on yours photos.

And 143 numbered pages in total.

And it's huge. The largest artbook i ever got (till now).

Avatar for nat

14 years, 5 months ago


Thanks for the info! Thought there would have been more illustrations for it at this point. Oh well :3

Hehe, so big it needs its own shelf ;D

Avatar for staniol

14 years, 5 months ago


On second thought, more illustrations would deny the idea of regular edition. With limited edition you allways get more than with standard edition ;)

Avatar for Lonigus

14 years, 1 month ago


Iam very confused and need some (i hope) answers LOL. So today the standard CARMINE edition came and as i was browsing trough the book i noticed that Summer wars and The Girl that leapt trough time WAS MISSING! Lol basically the pages 81 to 90 are LEFT OUT! I mean WTF????????? O_o... Even tho in the page summary index at the end there are there listed..... Iam pretty shocked lol... Oh and yeah my shelf is to "short" for the book >_>

PS: Looking at the bright side... Maybe i have an very rare missprint artbook lol!

Avatar for nat

14 years, 1 month ago


That sounds like a terrible misprint :/ Depending where you bought it from, you should try to see if you can get a refund ~-~

Avatar for Lonigus

14 years, 1 month ago


Got it from cdjapan and they never let me hang with missprints... :/

I even double checked it to see if someone did remove them by force but no damage marks... So yeah the summer wars and The gir that leapt trough time are rly missing lol...

Avatar for jc

14 years, 1 month ago


I've always absolutely loved FLCL's artwork and just realized that it might be Sadamoto-san's work that I actually admire... What's odd is even though I love the new Eva movies' backgrounds and color style I still don't like the character design...

FLCL, Gunbuster, I wonder what ties them together, besides Sadamoto, to make them my all-time favourites art-wise..... Maybe there's a character designer or other artist that followed thru in both but not in Eva.


Avatar for nat

14 years, 4 weeks ago


I bet you've unknowingly fallen in love with Hiroyuki Imaishi's action sequences ;D

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