
凛 - Toshimasa Komiya's RIN

September 28th, 2009, 8:30PM by nat | 14 comments


I picked up this doujin on a whim with several other items from Comiket 75. I had never heard of Toshimasa Komiya (小宮利公), but the Hatsune Miku picture on the cover caught my eye, so I bought it ^^; Has anyone else heard of this artist before?


Since I bought it with the prospect of more Vocaloid illustrations, I wasn't disappointed. Toshimasa included several of Hatsune Miku and even one of Black Rock Shooter.

MOONSORROW Miku Fantasy Knight

The minimal use of colors in these illustrations is also unique. Even in the pictures that aren't Hatsune Miku related, the color palette remains turquoise, red and black.

Fantasy WingsKnightsSword Fighter

After some looking about, I found out some of the characters above are from Toshimasa's own original series called ELIZABETH.

Dragon and ElfHatsune MikuBattle Damage

KnightsWiredMOONSORROW Index

The remainder of the book is all black and white, and the index includes black and white sketches of the pictures that were colored, along with the artist's comments on the work. It's 24 pages total, with about 8 of those in color. Would you put this artist on your watchlist, or is the style not to your liking?

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Avatar for Tsuki88

15 years, 5 months ago


I love his style, those grayscale on color style ones are really pretty. After looking at the cover I was wondering... is there some sort of texture on the cover?

Avatar for nat

15 years, 5 months ago


Nope, the cover is smooth, but I think the artist just wanted it to look textured with all the tiny paint splatters on the pictures. I think it makes them look more magical :o

Avatar for Saa-chan

15 years, 5 months ago


Icon love Nat XD

Avatar for Bantam

15 years, 5 months ago


Maybe I should get a more evil one too!

Avatar for Saa-chan

15 years, 5 months ago


You should just stick with kitties and muscle bantam :p

Avatar for damoser

15 years, 5 months ago


i concur

Avatar for Tsuki88

15 years, 5 months ago


Thanks for the info

Avatar for Saa-chan

15 years, 5 months ago


This is so pretty <3 Stop making me wanting to spend all my money >.<

Avatar for damoser

15 years, 5 months ago


i really like the minimalistic approach to color. the art's really good, but the coloring is just brilliant.

Avatar for nat

15 years, 5 months ago


It's funny but, that same minimalistic approach to color was the same thing that almost made me not buy it ^^;

Avatar for angel-voice

15 years, 5 months ago


Impressive works. I'm not really a fan of Hatsune Miku but these pics are amazing and I might become a fan now. The last pis is one of my favs amongst the others (and it's not Miku ^^) I think I would put this artist on my watchlist.

Avatar for jay

15 years, 5 months ago


Wow this is gorgeous! Where are you buying these from anyway? Online?

And awesome revamp ^_^ very interactive!

Avatar for jay

15 years, 5 months ago


XP nevermind~ found your instructions :). And also thx for uploading these scans onto AP!

Avatar for nat

15 years, 5 months ago


Actually, all things under the 'doujinshi' category aren't commercial, so you can't buy them from Amazon. You have to get them from places like Toranoana, Mandarake and Melonbooks. Though Mandarake ships internationally, the other ones don't so you have to use a Japanese deputy service.

And after that downer, glad you like the site! XD