
Atelier Tiv Artworks Still the Winter Comes Again

March 7th, 2011, 7:56PM by nat | 6 comments

Atelier Tiv Art Works: Still the Winter Comes Agai

Korean artist Tiv's Comiket 79 release Still the Winter Comes Again (それでもふゆはやってくる) is a beautiful collection of both commercial and original color illustrations. If you've been keeping an eye out for Tiv's work, you'll have even seen some of the illustrations in magazines like Megami Creators and art books like Headphone Girls.

Atelier Tiv Art Works: Still the Winter Comes AgaiAtelier Tiv Art Works: Still the Winter Comes AgaiAtelier Tiv Art Works: Still the Winter Comes Agai

Still the Winter... is B5-sized and 28-pages when counting the covers. There are four two-page spread illustrations, although there are also several pages where an illustration is adjacent to rough sketch versions of the same illustration. As a result, though it's the same length as Tiv's Comiket 78 release Wireless Lemon, there are fewer illustrations overall.

Atelier Tiv Art Works: Still the Winter Comes Agai Atelier Tiv Art Works: Still the Winter Comes Agai

Atelier Tiv Art Works: Still the Winter Comes Agai Atelier Tiv Art Works: Still the Winter Comes Agai

On the other hand, Still the Winter... features some novel fan arts and guest art works from Cencoroll to Hello Kitty to even Yozakura Quartet. I think what stands out most from this collection is just how colorful the illustrations are and that all of them have equally well-finished backgrounds, something we also saw in Wireless Lemon. Tiv's version of Haruse Hiroki's characters Kitajima Sorako & Tink, previously mentioned in the Comiket 79 doujinshi review for Kiracna Days Presents Mimesis Illustrations also make an appearance in the collection.

Atelier Tiv Art Works: Still the Winter Comes AgaiAtelier Tiv Art Works: Still the Winter Comes AgaiAtelier Tiv Art Works: Still the Winter Comes Agai

Tiv's Still the Winter Comes Again is a great release that really shows off Tiv's current art style in a good way. Though it was only sold for a short time through Keibunsha, they have had re-stocks before on Tiv's work, so it's probably a good idea to check it out occasionally if it's something you want ^^

  • Title: Still the Winter Comes Again
  • タイトル: それでもふゆはやってくる
  • Release Date: 12/31/2010
  • Pages: 28 (covers included)
  • Buy: eBay, Keibunsha


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Avatar for Lonigus

14 years, 2 weeks ago


More artbooks plix! :D

...Or better not my wallet is empty XD

Avatar for nat

14 years, 2 weeks ago


Yeah, I keep putting off art book reviews for the much shorter doujins ;D

Avatar for Lonigus

14 years, 2 weeks ago



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14 years, 2 weeks ago


This one is really stunning! I like it!


Looks like a lovely artbook, quite do like Tiv's style.

Avatar for Lonigus

14 years, 2 weeks ago


U mean Doujin right? :P ...