September 21st, 2009, 12:49PM by nat | 6 comments
I'm a fan of Takoyaki's work and have been collecting his doujinshi for a while, so naturally I had to get his Comiket 76 release, Onepi. Like many of his other releases, the book is staple-bound and 16 pages, printed on glossy paper.
What I like best about Takoyaki's art work is the way he colors. The girls are always a part of their environment, with light shining on their faces, or shadows playing off their clothes. You can see the difference right away in the indoor and outdoor pictures, something a lot of artists tend to ignore.
The girl in the above middle picture really looks like Ushio (from Clannad After Story). What do you think?
Another plus with this artist is that the girls always look to be in motion too, even when they're just sitting there. In fact, they're never just posing, it's more like they're caught in the middle of something, like photographs.
I also love that Takoyaki (夕コ焼き) always illustrates the background as well. But it's not something he's always done, as you'll find in his earlier doujinshi. Do you find art work more impressive when it has a background, or is it all about the girls? ;D
- Title: Onepi
- タイトル: Onepi
- Pages: 16 (including covers)
- Release date: 12/30/2010
- Buy: eBay
15 years, 6 months ago
I'm becoming a big Takoyaki fan! The coloring and background and just the art style is really to my liking :D
15 years, 5 months ago
Ditto. I have 6 other doujins by him at this point, each roughly 16 pages long. Almost enough for a real art book! XD
15 years, 5 months ago
What other ones do you have? Do you have that one that was released on pireze?
15 years, 5 months ago
Yeah, I have that one. The titles I have and know are Several Various, Onepi, a Chroma, llex pedunculosa, influence, Partial Shade, Sunlit, and Roku Hana.
And I can't count ._.
15 years, 5 months ago
lol. Counting is overrated XD Are those all pretty too? In the same style?
15 years, 5 months ago
I just found one more, 'Cold Day.' I would say most of those are the same style except for llex pendunculosa and influence, which are from 2004 and 2003 respectively. They have more of the evolution of his style, and llex pendunculosa doesn't even have backgrounds, just characters on white, which is quite a difference from what he does now.
I will get started on reviewing those! :D