January 4th, 2010, 8:12PM by nat | 6 comments
H2SO4's Tropical Nights doujinshi is a B5 sized collection of color and monochrome art works. And unlike H2SO4's Shiroi Hanabira, there are no guest art works in this one. The illustration above is also the cover illustration, and it's good that it gets re-printed inside since the cover of this glue-bound volume has a shimmering, metallic finish.
Tropical Nights is 32-pages in length, with half in black and white, and half in color. The new doujinshi that H2SO4 released at Comiket 77 is a 34-page compilation of the previous illustration doujins Last Summer Vacation, First Snow, Tropical Nights, and Shiroi Hanabira. It only includes the color illustrations, but it's not like I bought these for anything else -_-;
So that's the main complaint I have with collecting doujinshi. It's rare that I'll buy an art book that has a lot of the same content as another, but it's a fairly common thing with doujinshi. And, you also have to consider that eventually, when a commercial art book is released, much of the art work from those small, expensive doujins will be in it. That's one reason I've sworn off buying Ito Noizi's doujin items, no matter how desirable. With the rate she releases art books, it'll be available commercially in a year.
Some gorgeous Fate/Stay Night fan art by H2SO4. They were illustrated for a F/SN fan book by Team Avalon. I love the embellishments on their clothing, especially in the picture with Saber wearing the crown.
The last few color illustrations in the book are more fan art illustrations, ranging from the ladies of Biohazard 4 (Resident Evil), and even a small one of Juliet from Romeo x Juliet. The black and white illustrations are printed on different paper from the color ones, and the images range from finished pieces to rough sketches.
Normally, I'd recommend this collection, as there are some really beautiful pieces in it. But if H2SO4's new collection Island of Horizon Selection has all the same illustrations that are in Tropical Nights, I'd just say just get that one, as it would be easier to find with a more complete collection to boot! And if you're on the lookout for even more new H2SO4 art work, check out the latest issue of GELATIN magazine.
15 years, 2 months ago
Hi Nat,
After reading so much positive review on H2SO4's work, I am very keen to purchase this title. However with my extremely limited understanding of Japanese, I do not know what is the Japanese title for this work and how to search and buy this in Shopping Mall Japan. Some advice and info will be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance.
15 years, 2 months ago
Mandarake has had it pretty frequently in the past few months: http://ekizo.mandarake.co.jp/shop/en/item_s-86904.html You could buy it direct from them, for a really good price if someone else doesn't get it first.
If you're looking for some more info on buying doujinshi on auctions, I've written down a few of the basics here. H2SO4's name, and the title of the book are written in English, so you can find it on Y!J Auctions by searching it just the way I've typed it.
15 years, 2 months ago
Each Comiket I do a little bit of catch up, and this time it's H2SO4, as I have seen very nice art from him/her ^^. Aside of Island of Horizon Selection, I go a copy of World of M and Stardrops as well.
The complain you hold for doujinshi is also true for magazine, so I usually expect some kind of compilation from them, like the upcoming Ten Colors compilation from Dengeki Moeoh.
15 years, 2 months ago
True, but with your example, there's a wide variety of art in Dengeki Moeh aside form just 10 Colors. If you were buying it solely for that, then fair enough, you'd feel cheated when the compilation came out, but as for the rest of the content, I don't see it appearing in an art book any time soon. Unless Kokonobi, Kurehito Misaki, and Munyuu will all be releasing one this year, which I would wholeheartedly support! ^^
Looking forward to seeing your reviews for those! :D
15 years, 2 months ago
I would support these as well, especially Misaki Kurehito. I guess it's not impossible for artist, as there was also the Moeoh artbook for Miyama Zero and some other.
Lately the only magazine I get are some Dengeki Hime to get posters ( I should write about this one day ), but when I'm out of the Comiket period, I should get back into getting Dengeki Moeoh or Megami Creators.
15 years, 2 months ago
Gonna skip this book, thanks.