September 25th, 2009, 11:38AM by nat | 8 comments
Though Noise Pollution was not on my initial 'get' list for Comiket 76, as soon as I saw a few sample illustrations on Toranoana, I bought it. I loved Code Geass, and I especially love it when artists have styles that stay true to the original, and in this case, improve upon it.
Rangetsu is probably better known (if known at all) by her doujinshi circle name CREAYUS. Even if you don't know the artist, you've probably seen the illustrations floating about on image boards and blogs.
My immediate attraction was the way Rangetsu draws C.C. and Lelouch together, and in such beautiful clothing. The image of C.C. in the red dress with Lelouch behind her is my favorite from this collection. But I still give Kallen and C.C. in bunny suits high marks ;3
Of course, there are other characters featured, namely Euphemia, Kallen and Shirley. But the main content is C.C. and Lelouch. Is there an artist whose fan art you just love?
Noise Pollution is 14 pages, including the covers and full color. It's also really well printed on glossy pages and staple-bound. I picked mine up from Toranoana during the Comiket 76 period, so it might be a little harder to come by, but it's still worth looking for ^^
- Title: Noise Pollution
- タイトル: Noise Pollution
- Pages: 14
- Release date: Comiket 76
- Buy: eBay
15 years, 6 months ago
Testing testing~ This doujin is so pretty _
15 years, 5 months ago
Hehe, yup! Probably why it's at the top of my rankings for now and probably for a while ^^
15 years, 6 months ago
Is the avatar supposed to show up? Now I'm just spamming your site XD
15 years, 5 months ago
0 these are so pretty
15 years, 5 months ago
This is an absolutely beautiful doujin. Pity you couldn't take photos of the rest of the pages.
Creayus is one of the most talented Code Geass doujinshi artist out there. I dare say in some cases her work surpasses even Carnelian's when it comes to Code Geass. Code-M, the only Code Geass doujinshi released by Carnelian, just can't compare to Noise Pollution, despite how Carnelian herself also improves greatly on the original designs.
CC in that red dress looks absolutely dressed to kill. Are the spaces in her bodice actually transparent or just the same colour as her skin? The expression on her face in that pictures seems kind of odd too, as if she's saying "Not here, Lelouch . . . people are watching." And what happened to Lelouch's right hand?!
Are you planning to get some Code Geass doujinshi from Kurimomo as well? The main artist, Tsukako, is also pretty good in a different way.
15 years, 5 months ago
I just amended it because I had written 16 pages, but it's actually 14. So I think only one illustration page and the credits were missed in the photos. Toranoana has it listed as 16, but I assume they must be counting the cover as pages.
They are spaces in the dress, it would be an almost impossible cosplay XD That illustration is my favorite in the book, though Lelouch about to kiss C.C.'s forehead comes a close second. I just checked out Kurimomo, and I love the coloring style and the eyes. If the group ever puts out a color illustration collection, I will be all over it :D
15 years, 5 months ago
++The picture of Lelouch and "sleeping beauty" C.C. is also pretty classic too. I can't decide whether or not he's kissing her awake or just kissing her while she's asleep, though. Maybe next time Creayus will give us more pictures featuring Kallen.
Kurimomo's released a few Code Geass doujins to my knowledge, though if you don't like the Euphemia/Suzaku pairing, you won't like the majority of the content there.
Did you get a look at Carnelian's Code-M yourself? She's got a Midas touch when it comes to making doujinshi, but unfortunately I was left disappointed when I saw photos of its contents. Monochrome illustrations with small, chibi-style comics here and there, along with most of the content being mainly Suzaku and Lelouch being in shonen-ai situations. Nowhere near the artistic brilliance I've come to expect from all the nice promo pics of Code Geass she was drawing earlier.
If you get more books of Creayus, be sure to tell us what you think of them. I'm amazed someone of her talents hasn't already been contacted to design characters for anime, manga, or games yet.
15 years, 5 months ago
I did see Carnelian's Code-M, but it's not one I bought. Considering her art caliber, the cover image didn't even live up to my expectations.
I'm sure we'll be seeing more from CREAYUS, on the site is a little note about signing up for C77 and possibly doing a full color AION book. Could be a joke since it's so early though...