January 24th, 2010, 9:53PM by nat | 4 comments
Senmu (せんむ) isn't an artist I normally follow. I know he often puts out full color doujinshi, but I seldom place them on my "to purchase" list. And in all honesty, I think his art is beautiful. And I love his original designs with Kämpfer (けんぷファー) much more than the anime style. So what's the hold out? The page layouts.
For some reason, this artist just can't leave well enough alone. Instead Senmu's Imaginary Moment 07 and other doujinshi tend to have square boxes, lines, circles and text to break up and divide what would otherwise be a clean image presentation. And while it doesn't happen with every illustration, it happens often enough for me to be put off buying his works.
I did go out on a limb for this one though, because I loved the cover illustration that much ^^; It actually wraps around to the back cover to complete the full picture. Senmu's circle, GRAPHIC!!, has several full color collections, though they do tend to be on the short side like this staple-bound one---just 16 pages including the covers.
In case the layouts and box overlapped images don't put you off, some of Senmu's other full color works that I know are Imaginary Moment 02 (16 pages), Imaginary Moment 04 (12 pages), Imaginary Moment 06 (20 pages), and Escape (12 pages). But not all of the Imaginary Moment series are full color, so be warned! :D
- Title: Imaginary Moment 07 -Lost Passions-
- タイトル: Imaginary Moment 07 -Lost Passions-
- Release Date: 08/16/2009
- Pages: 16 (including covers)
- Buy: Toranoana
15 years, 2 months ago
That's pretty bizarre that he would break up the presentation of his artworks like that. It makes me think of web page layouts. Maybe he's really into that graphic design element or something. Still, might as well save that for the web. When you're displaying your artwork, you're better off showcasing it without covering it up with miscellany. I agree that the cover illustration is pretty epic!
15 years, 2 months ago
Do like some of Senmu's original art for Kämpfer but not all his Kämpfer pieces are the same level, some are rather plain/poor compared to the ones here in 'Imaginary Moment 07'.
15 years, 2 months ago
Yeah I agree with you on inconsistency.
15 years, 1 month ago
I love your blog content. Courage!