
My Favorite Girls - Touhou Illustrations

December 3rd, 2010, 7:20PM by nat | 4 comments

Favorite Girls Touhou Project - 11

My Favorite Girls is a full-color illustration collection of Touhou character works by Korean artists Nyanya and Cu-rim. Though I purchased this because of Nyanya's involvement, I quite like Cu-rim's colorful style as well. For Nyanya, this was one of two books that she participated in for Comiket 78.

Favorite Girls Touhou Project - 1Favorite Girls Touhou Project - 2Favorite Girls Touhou Project - 3

This staple-bound book is B5-sized and 20 pages when counting the covers. The cover art gives you a quick visual summary of what artist is drawing which characters, with Nyanya's works on top and Cu-rim's at the bottom. They both illustrate the same number of characters, but Cu-rim has one less illustration technically, because one is a two-page spread. The first illustration for each artist is pictured above, and as you can see, both artists excel at illustrating the ruffly, colorful costumes that the character designs demand.

Favorite Girls Touhou Project - 4 Favorite Girls Touhou Project - 5

Favorite Girls Touhou Project - 6 Favorite Girls Touhou Project - 7

In a lot of ways, Cu-rim and Nyanya have very similar styles, but they both distinguish themselves when it comes to illustrating the eyes and also in their respective coloring styles. The eyes on Cu-rim's girls seem overly round when compared to Nyanya's, but the coloring style gives a lot of depth to the illustrations, making Nyanya's seem flat by comparison.

Favorite Girls Touhou Project - 10Favorite Girls Touhou Project - 9Favorite Girls Touhou Project - 8

Both artists did a great job overall in depicting their favorite Touhou girls, though Cu-rim's illustration of Izayoi Sakuya and Nyanya's Hatate Himekaidou in particular stood out to me. My Favorite Girls is still available on Toranoana, retailing for 735円.

  • Title: My Favorite Girls
  • タイトル: My Favorite Girls
  • Pages: 20 (including covers)
  • Release date: 08/15/2010
  • Buy: Toranoana


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14 years, 3 months ago


Well, I don't have this one but it looks pretty well drawn. Maybe it would have looked better if they didn't have a mix of drawing styles.

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14 years, 3 months ago


It would have been nice to see 20 pages from each artist at least!

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14 years, 3 months ago


these korean artists are getting pretty good

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14 years, 2 months ago


i love what u have i am new and i would like to coment haha!