
Ein's Long-Cake Pico Pixels 02

May 25th, 2011, 7:39PM by nat | 1 comment

Ein's Long-Cake Pico Pixels 02 - 6

Ein's second original doujinshi, Long-Cake Pico Pixels 02, was released for Comiket 79 and improves on the Comiket 78 release, Long-Cake Pico Pixels, with more recent works, full-page illustrations and even more pages.

Ein's Long-Cake Pico Pixels 02 - 1 Ein's Long-Cake Pico Pixels 02 - 2

Ein's Long-Cake Pico Pixels 02 - 3 Ein's Long-Cake Pico Pixels 02 - 4

Long-Cake Pico Pixels 02 is B5-sized and 28-pages when counting the covers. The cover art features a newly illustrated Yui from Angel Beats! with hi-tech wing speakers. Aside from that though, there aren't any other obvious fan arts, as Ein focuses more on original designs with elaborate, colorful sceneries and mecha musume.

Ein's Long-Cake Pico Pixels 02 - 5Ein's Long-Cake Pico Pixels 02 - 7Ein's Long-Cake Pico Pixels 02 - 8

Ein's Long-Cake Pico Pixels 02 - 9Ein's Long-Cake Pico Pixels 02 - 10Ein's Long-Cake Pico Pixels 02 - 11

This volume has a lot more full page illustrations than Ein's last doujinshi release, although there are still several shared-page illustrations that are more scenery-oriented with small-sized characters. There are also four pages of mecha and weapons designs like gunnery and vehicles. Though I know it's something Ein likes to illustrate, it does seem kind of out of place this time around amidst all the cute girls.

Ein's Long-Cake Pico Pixels 02 - 12Ein's Long-Cake Pico Pixels 02 - 13Ein's Long-Cake Pico Pixels 02 - 15

One thing I do have to say about this doujinshi was that it was really quite overpriced at ¥1350. There wasn't anything in production value or extra content to really justify it, which is what I'm used to seeing when a doujinshi is priced like that. As a result, there are still plenty available on Toranoana. But overall, it's a nice collection, and it's equally nice to see Ein in art books again, like in the recent Daigakusei Zukan 2012 Illustrations of Real Campus Girls. I'd recommend Long-Cake Pico Pixels 02 if you're comfortable with the price, otherwise you might be a bit disappointed!

  • Title: Long-Cake Pico Pixels 02
  • タイトル: Long-Cake Pico Pixels 02
  • Pages: 28 (including covers)
  • Release date: 2010/12/31
  • Buy: eBay, Toranoana


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13 years, 10 months ago


I like some of his work, he has some nice backgrounds.