
Vacation CUTEG's Girl's Collection 0.5

December 30th, 2009, 8:12PM by nat | 13 comments

Vacation CUTEG's Girls Collection vol. 0.5 - 1

After reviewing so many art books and magazines recently, I'm in need of something short and sweet, and CUTEG's Comiket 76 doujinshi Vacation fits perfectly. At just 16 pages---a number that includes both the front and back covers---this full color illustration doujinshi is still a joy to look through. K-ON! is heavily featured, with appearances from CLANNAD, AIR, Touhou, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya and Toradora!

Vacation CUTEG's Girls Collection vol. 0.5 - 2 Vacation CUTEG's Girls Collection vol. 0.5 - 3

As you might be able to guess, CUTEG is a Korean artist, with a style that reminds me of a softer version of H2SO4, especially in the eyes. The doujinshi itself is staple-bound and printed on very thick card-stock pages. Above, CUTEG's rendition of the K-ON! girls in their seasonal uniforms.

Vacation CUTEG's Girls Collection vol. 0.5 - 4 Vacation CUTEG's Girls Collection vol. 0.5 - 5

All but one of the K-ON! illustrations are group portraits, but I love that she ventured outside the uniforms, to their band costumes and swimwear from the series. The pages are a bit textured, so these photos did turn out a bit lighter than the actual book, where the colors are quite deep and rich.

Vacation CUTEG's Girls Collection vol. 0.5 - 6

You can almost hear her say it...

Vacation CUTEG's Girls Collection vol. 0.5 - 7 Vacation CUTEG's Girls Collection vol. 0.5 - 8

Only two pictures from CLANNAD, but everyone gets hugs! Ushio and Nagisa on the left, and Fuuko and Kyou on the right. CUTEG has the next volume in her Girl's Collection series coming out at Comiket 77 and it looks like a winner. Seems like this time the girls will be original, though at least one is Vocaloid.

Vacation CUTEG's Girls Collection vol. 0.5 - 9 Vacation CUTEG's Girls Collection vol. 0.5 - 11

Toradora! girls Aisaka Taiga and Ami Kawashima. On the right, Misuzu Kamio from AIR. Love the gradient hair color in that one.

Vacation CUTEG's Girls Collection vol. 0.5 - 10 Vacation CUTEG's Girls Collection vol. 0.5 - 12

Even though I see a lot of Touhou, this one is really very pretty. And finally, worlds collide with The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, and Haruhi with Kyonko.

Vacation CUTEG's Girls Collection vol. 0.5 - 13

This last picture is a guest art by Piah, but it really blends right in with the rest of the work. Piah and CUTEG will be featured together in their C77 release Meganeko. I'm already quite enamored with CUTEG's style and really look forward to (hopefully) getting her new publications this Comiket. Anyone else have CUTEG on their 'get' list? :D

  • Title: Vacation
  • タイトル: Vacation
  • Release Date: Summer 2009
  • Pages: 16 (including covers)
  • Buy: eBay


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Avatar for Merun

15 years, 2 months ago


I do have her in my to get list ^^. I didn't know what to expect, but if Girl's collection 0.5 is any indication, then 1.0 should be a nice one !

guest avatar

15 years, 2 months ago


Oh my! Kitty Ears! DO WANT!

Avatar for anonymousobject

15 years, 2 months ago


Yeah, this is a nice style. Going to be on my list as well ^^

Avatar for MrDisco

15 years, 2 months ago


it's on my list, but i can never find it on yahoo auctions

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15 years, 2 months ago


I think that's Kyonko, not the Haruhi from Vanishment.

Avatar for nat

15 years, 2 months ago


Really? What's the giveaway?

guest avatar

15 years, 2 months ago


Come on, do you honestly think Haruhi would wear WHITE panties?

guest avatar

15 years, 2 months ago


Same person

And she's not wearing the yellow ribbon(s), right?

Avatar for nat

15 years, 2 months ago


Hahah, well while I'm no expert on the panties, I did look up pictures of Kyonko, and that's definitely her. Excellent work, Watson.

Avatar for DannyBoy

15 years, 2 months ago


++Now registered.

I thank your compliment. And I look forward to your review for Meganeko—mainly because I am a TWGOK fan, Hakua in megane is too adorable. I can only hope that the work it will include few other girls from TWGOK...With megane, of course.

And also, I would find it greatly helpful if you could include a summarized infobox of the work in your review.

Avatar for nat

15 years, 2 months ago


So far, I haven't been able to get CUTEG's C77 release. I read on her site that she sold out within minutes too. I haven't spotted an auction for them on Y!J yet either :/ I am keeping an eye open for it though in case there were some set aside for stores.

What kind of info would you be looking for in the box?

Avatar for DannyBoy

15 years, 2 months ago


Generally I would expect the following:

The title of the work in Japanese | pronuniation in English | meaning in English

Artist's name/pseudonym(s) | Original price | Number of pages | ISBN-10/13 | Release/publication date

Other: An excerpt of artist's comment (those find near the beginning). | a link to artist's homepage | links to your reviews of his/her other works, or just few examples.

Now that I see what I've wrote, this is asking too much :|

Avatar for nat

15 years, 2 months ago

  • a link to artist's homepage
  • links to your reviews of his/her other works
  • Artist's name/pseudonym(s)

I don't code this site, but this is something I've asked to happen in the future so that if you click on the artist's name or category, that information would be available with the reviews I've done underneath. But it will likely happen later on... I think I might be able to manage some of the rest with bullet points at the end or something. I just don't always have all the information you mentioned, so I hesitate to create a standard I can't consistently meet.

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